Fake CEO's

Many corporations are actually fronts for the government. Think of Amazon the brilliant idea founder Jeff Bezo's had, to sell books and products online, like Duh.

When you start to research many of these corporations, you discover that their real idea or invention; was simply obtaining government contracts or other forms of government funding, or their relatives were already millionaires.

In many cases, the heads of these multi-national corporations connect to the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderbergs, the Banking Establishment, or even organized crime. If the connections are not obvious, look at their "Independent Board Members."

The collusion between government and corporations, was termed public-private partnerships to make it sound innocent, when really it is the classical definition of Fascism.

So don't drink the cool-aid, that these CEO's are so smart, and if you just work hard you too can be a CEO; no one gets to a certain level unless they are part of the cabal and a sellout of America to the long range plan of global government.

Don't let their propaganda convince you that you are stupid and lazy and should be on anti-depressants; these CEO's are just low level puppets working for higher masters.

We would also suggest that Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, etc. all have similar traits; as nerdy harmless white Jewish men. This seems to be an attempt to point the finger that the Jewish Bankers run the world (which we do not believe is accurate); this pattern seems to indicate an attempt to misdirect the public.

It seems however, that these CEO's are very evil people, in that they are playing a role and they sellout America for the millions they receive as shills. Many of these CEO's also hide behind fake philantrophy while sending most of their donations to other countries, double crossing their fellow Americans who could use some philanthropy.

Another alarming trend, is the growth of former Military generals and other former officers running or owning these large corporations; once you work for the company you always work for the company. We're not referring to the brave men and women (Vets) that are hired, we are talking about very corrupt if not murderous former military running corporations that are collecting data and spying on fellow Americans.

It is no wonder we see Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and many others working in China to create their next generation surveillance control technologies and trying to shut down dissent not only in China but recently in America.

These corporations and CEO's are all fake, and Americans must wake up and begin to boycott their products and send a wake up call to their stock price. It is nice to see engineers at Google complaining and just stop working for evil corporations.

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