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The Occult Connection to the Deep State is a complex question that is rarely talked about. Due to Wikileaks recently in the news is Podesta Spirit Cooking and Child Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice which are clearly occult practices. Study and digest this story and you will understand 90% of what is really going on in the world today, what they are really hiding from the masses. The Deep State is rouge elements within a nations government; that actually control things but remain hidden. You may have noticed that not much changes regardless if the Democrats or Republicans are in office. To some extend this is because they both appoint the same deep state agents. These deep state agents embedded in every nation, are funded by an occult criminal network, and their purpose is to bring all nations under the control of a centralized global occult government, commonly refered to as the New World Order. The top occultists remain hidden, they are fronted by organizations such as the United Nations, sounds much nicer. Keep reading and the connection between the United Nations and the occult will be clearly revealed in this document. The Occult network utilizes four main esoteric practices: Astrology, Numerology, Symbology, and the Kabbalah. Many researchers believe these four, are just esoteric variations of the same ancient "Dark Math" practices; because they are all based on geometry. To make "the occult" sound better they call these practices the "mystery religion" also referenced in the Bible, Chapter of Revelations. In the last days, rather then the minority of the population being occult practitioners, the majority will be practicing occultists, in place of traditional religions, which will be made illegal by the Anti-Christ and the world government. Since this has not happened, we are probably far away from last days, ignore the false prophets. The majority of us probably won't be around to witness the entire world of occultists; but they are trying hard to normalize the occult, the Church of Satan Clubs are allowed in Public Schools but not the Church of Christ. Today they can build Statues of Baphomet but Jesus in the manger is not allowed. More occult indoctrination goes on in the yoga studios where they often form rune shapes in front of the rising sun, you will understand that one if you keep reading. Then comes mediation (channeling ). It's all the occult rebranded for the uninitiated sheeple. There is a difference between dabbling in these Esoteric practices, and becoming a full fledged Satanist or Luciferian. However, you might look at these practices as the Entry Drug to deeper and much more evil Satanism. The truly Satanic are killing other human beings, gaining power and riches through blood sacrifices to Satan, and helping to usher in the return to Satan to Earth. Wether you believe in the Bible, Jesus, Lucifer, or Satan isn't really relative, the occult sociopath does. The return of Satan is a conterfiet return of Jesus; the masses will worship Satan (the Anti-Christ), you start to understand how evil copies or mimics the good, in order to fool the masses. Luciferianusn differs slightly from Satanism, it is based on the gnostic teachings that basically reverses the Bible to claim that the "true God" is Lucifer not Jesus. Note that occultists hate not just Jesus, but also Buddha, Muhammad, basically every pro-family religion. They try to keep us divided and fighting each other as they destroy the family unit and morality; remember they need children for sacrifice, ritual sex, and as slave labor for their armies. This has been going on since Kings ruled the Earth and it continues with today's Royalty Elite, don't be fooled by business suits. Lucifer translated means Bringer of Dawn, or Bringer of Light, sounding familiar to something? Freemasonry, the Light worshipers, hence they also worship objects that give off light-- The Sun, The Planet Venus, The Torch on JFK's grave, the Olympic Torch. Another group that comes up is the illuminati, aka The Light of Illumination. You might hear about in the 13 Illuminati bloodlines, who cares how many occultist run the world. Think of the illuminati as more of a technqiue to infiltrate all other groups; don't let this get you off track on a tangent, evil Satanic people run the world. The top occultists change their family names often, they have diplomatic immunity, they are not easy to track or hunt down. They don't follow the system we use, where a social security system is assigned to you for life, that is a system for the useless eaters. We should discuss how Goddess worship ties in, that would be the Goddess Venus, as in the Planet Venus, she had many different names throughout history and is often featured holding a child as in the Saint Mary, for the occult infiltrated pedophilia Vatican. In Ancient Babylon Goddess Semiramis, the US Goddess Columbia and The Romans called her Goddess Libertas, yes as in the Statue of Liberty who wears the occult crown with 7 points (Rays of Light), but also holds the Torch to send out Light (Lucifer) to the world; that is illumination-- your soul taken over by Satan. This constant changing of names and terms is done to keep you in the dark. However, the Goddess is basically Satan, example is the depiction of Satan as Baphomet, with no sexual orientation. In other words Satan can take the form of a male or female. There is also the Egyptian Goddess Isis (same occult Goddess) on the Dollar Sign (how Satan corrupts souls with money) and the dreaded ISIS Terrorists. The occult plan is to take over all the Earth's natural resources using Agenda 21 (the theory of Technocracy) which was invented in the 1930's and is simply combining the economic theory of communism with high technology; to create a scientific dictatorship; which is exactly what the occult wishes, total control over every person on this planet. This is why they teach, mankind is bad, wasteful, and killing the planet. To guilt you into giving up all your rights and natural resources; so that they can take over the Earth's natural resources for themselves. They push the Goddess GAIA the Environmental Earth Goddess, actually the occult Wiccan Witch softly named to hide the occult from the masses-- they call her Mother Earth. GAIA a soft occult theory, is mandatory in public schools (thanks to Common Core), to prepare the young minds for what is coming. They want you to worship anything but a traditional God, so Worship of the Earth is their substitue. In America they like to tell us that the Native Americans all worshipped the Earth; so your just returning to the religion of your ancestors, now give up your land. Next we must understand that GAIA calls the Earth a living organism (without a shred of evidence of course). That means that every part of the Earth is alive, even a rock because after all, it is all made up of energy. Now we are moving from an environmental discussion into the Occult and specifically into Theosophy, the light or energy of Lucifer is in everything. The main Masonic writer, Albert Pike cearly admitted that the Masons worship Lucifer. But don't be fooled, many other societies and many traditional religions were infiltrated by the occult and now worship the light. Here is link to the Albert Pike quote. The masons are just too obvious, they often use rituals from the East where the Sun rises for the new dawn. In worshiping the Light, the Luciferians see their God as energy or spirit, of course Lucifer is good and Jesus is evil, you have to be really STUPID or greedy to follow this con job, Bush and Clinton for example were D students in high school, most likely great masons. Remember the term "dumb criminal" these criminals in business suits are not that bright, they just follow orders and collect their blood money. You read and digest this story-- you will probably understand more then they know. The Satanist is more hardcore compared to the Luciferians, in many respects the Luciferian worships the Spiritual Form of Evil, while the Satanist personifies Evil into the being Satan. Are Lucifer and Satan the same entity? This debate continues but does not matter if both represent pure evil, no one cares if evil is in spirit form or human form; either can take over your soul and lead to destruction. Satan demands more blood sacrifice. One of the most hardcore Satanists Aleister Crowley, used hard drugs, sex rituals, and blood sacrifice... stuff like Spirit Cooking and Child Sacrifice in the news recently. We should point out that Barbara Bush is said to be Aleister Crowley's daughter and Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter; would not discount these theories. The Satanists are very evil and even incestual and lately we are hearing about all the adopted Hollywood movie stars, groomed from a young age. Many of these "random events" such as the shooting in Las Vegas, are actually ritual satanic sacrifices, in this case near the Luxor Pyramid where they worshiped the Sun God Ra (Satan). Therre is also the Ancient God Moloch (Satan), where parents would willingly take their children to sacrifice by fire to Molech. If our society turns hardcore occult, you will then see this sort of practice. In a way, we already have this-- its called Abortion Clinics, parents go willingly to sacrifice their baby and many abortion clinics blatently flaunt an occult symbol in their logo. So the Occult goal is to place the entire world under the control and rule of a Global Government (United Nations) so we are ready for Satan to return and take his seat as the world ruler; very similar to a reincarnated Roman Emperor, in fact we would suggest that DNA has been harvested from dead emperors with cloning to bring a Ceasar back to Earth. There was a theory that Obama looked a lot like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Next we must understand the Nazi role; many tyrants have tried to bring in the New World Order, but the Nazi's (well funded by the USA and European Occultist Bankers) was an attempt to use hardcore Satanism and Luciferianism to bring in the new world order much faster. The Holocaust human sacrifice was because they thought this sacrifice to Satan would make the Nazi's an unstoppable global force, with the SS being the hardcore Satanists. What stopped Hitler, was these Bankers stopped funding him, and no doubt they were worried of being exposed. Families like Ford, Bush, and many more profited greatly from the Nazi's; but here comes the really important point. The esoteric religion used by the Nazi's was Theosophy by occultist Helena Blavatsky. The group that was pushing Theosophy in Germany was the Thule Society, and the USA version of the Thule Society is called-- Skull and Bones. Notice the Nazi like symbol of the Thule Society and the symbology of Theosophy both feature-- the Star of David and the Swaztika. The Star of David comes from the Ancient Ring of King Solomon they often call King Solomon a prophet of God, when you read the fine print he becomes a "magician" aka Satanist, examine his ring and there is the Star of David used by the Nazi's, Masons, and many other groups. What was the ring used for-- to summon Demons such as Satan, this all goes back to Ancient times. Next comes Israel and the occult, most of Israel believes in the Torah (the Bible's Old Testament) but who is in charge, why the Occult Deep State within Israel they believe in the Talmud aka the occult and heavily into the Kabbalah and in 1948 they forced the Country of Israel to adopt as their flag-- The Occult Ring of Solomon Symbol- the Star of David. In the USA the Occult created 'the original 13 colonies" for our flag. Almost every occult infiltrated country is flying an occult symbol flag. One of the goals of the Talmud Occult Jews, is to establish the Jewish Homeland, the exact Jewish Territory of Biblical Days, known as Canaan, God destroyed Canaan because the Canaanites were practicing-- witchcraft, sorcery, child sacrifice (Canaanite idol was Moloch), and idol worship (worship of gold or today dollars). So we call this Zionism the re-establishment of the original Jewish State. So who are Zionists? Anyone who supports this goal, regardless of race or religion, you can be a zionist so all our Presidents are occult zionists Clinton, Bush, Obama, and probably Trump. Why does the occult want to re-establish this territory? Satan can not return until this is completed, it all ties together. There is a good possibility that world government and the United Nations will move to Israel at some point in history. What stands in their way, the Palestinian Authority (the zionists often label as terrorists) claim the land is theirs, regardless Zionism is occult goal number one, re-establish the original Jewish State. Why is Theosophy so important to the occult? Because it brings you to Theosophy occultist Alice Bailey and the United Nations, Bailey's new age philopshy (warmed over Theosophy) is pushed by stealth everywhere on Television and by the United Nations. Bailey was published by Lucifer Publishing, too obvious they had to change the name to Lucis Trust, is an NGO at the United Nations, and there is your UN occult connection. The world Theosophy is seldom spoken on television, and the name was changed so that people don't know that the United Nations is promoting the same Theosophy practiced by the Nazi's attempt a a new world order. The modern name is the Seven Rays, back to the light rays of Lucifer again, the seven rays of light or occult energy. When practicing all other religions is outlawed, this is the religion they will bring in. The Seven Rays of light have Six Spaces between each ray, giving you the occult number thirteen. The NWO cabal, is hiding Nazi Theosophy, the Seven Rays, and the Occult Connection to the United Nations. Media will call out the Freemasons, the Vatican, New World Order, etc. but Rarely will the media call out-- Skull and Bones, Thule Society, Theosophy, or Seven Rays. Meet the Press Tim Russert interviewed Bush and Kerry in 2012; asked about Skull and Bones, Russert had a heart attack at age 58, many believe he was murdered. This is how you can clearly tell the fakes in the media, they never talk about the Occult Connection, Child Sacrifice, Theosophy, or United Nations Seven Rays; they may talk Deep State or New World Order, never exposing the truly evil occult goal of world governance. Do all Deep State agents actually believe in the occult, ritual sex, and child sacrifice; absolutely not but they finance it for a different reason, to gain control over elected politicians who may believe in the occult or engage in these heinous practices, they are compromised and not working for the people but to build a tyrannical world government. Recently in the news, THE DEEP STATE, Podesta and Spirit Cooking with performing artist Marina Abramovic, what a joke she is a full fledged Satanic Witch (gotta love the Main Stream Media attempts to hide the occult). If you study this page, you will have a much better understanding of the entire NWO scam, the Luciferians and Santanists working together to usher in this dark age, seize control over the Earth's natural resources, and become rich of course in the process. They are the superior occult illuminated race (often called Aryans or Alantians); don't confuse that with socialist, fascist, communist, or capitalist; those are economic systems. They will use any system to take
over the world; the NWO core are hardcore Satanists; and America
is definately standing in the way of their plans. All Americans
must spread the word and join the fight against the occult cabal.
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