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The devilish network of global human child trafficking is under fire, the recent bust of the Nxivm Cult may be the first domino, as many defendants are pleading guilty, and perhaps turning state's evidence to get a reduced sentence.

Child trafficking is estimated as a 150 Billion Dollar evil business, the criminals seem to be nervous, will the Trump administration clean up this disgusting pedo network, or will they cover it up. Once elected Trump almost immediately issued an Executive Order against Human Trafficking to sound the trumpet, but will he follow through with prosecutions.

Child trafficking plays a major role in blackmail of our elected politicians and Jeffrey Epstein was most likely a Mossad Agent employed to compromise our elected officials, Bill Clinton for example made over twenty trips to Epstein Island and the Clinton Foundation appears to be one big Child Trafficking operation.

Epstein Island was not the only place with underground tunnels, recent leaks have been coming about regarding Adam Schiff and the underground tunnels of Los Angeles.

The video report below does a great job of explaining the connections, and here are some the common names linked to child trafficking, some names are pretty familiar. Perhaps as Q-Annon has repeatedly posted- These People are Sick.

Clintons, Soros, Epstein. Wienstein, Branson, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Podesta, Spacey.

The voices of the dead and abused children, call for Justice.



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