Drastic Tyrannical
Some think the Virus is Real some
Think it is Fake
But Leave it to Politicians to Take Advantage of an Emergency
Idaho- Police Arrest a Mother on the Playground
This is pretty pathetic, to arrest a Mother
in front of her young children, fortunately a crowd was present
to video the goons. She evidently had a history of Anti-Vax protests
going back to 2017, so we wonder if she was targeted.
Nationwide - State Border Checkpoints
Restricting freedom of movement between states
is part of the US constitution article four. The suggestion that
states can over-ride the constitution due to "public health"
is an exception not specifically spelled out in the constitution;
but rather a power grab by state governors and sure to be tested
in court.
Chicago - Police Thugs Break Up Church Funeral
Yes there were 40 or so people, but really
such a police state we have to stoop to this.
Michigan - FBI Raid Doctor Giving Vitamin C Treatment
An FBI raid is expensive, why would they raid
a single medical clinic? With no one arrested, seems more like
intimidation then a serious effort to stop a crime.
New York - Dem Mayor Bill de Blasio and $500 Fines
Banned gatherings of any size, what about
families and infants? Implementing Fines of $250 to $500 if people
are less than six feet apart, can you say pathetic over-reach
of government.
Tampa Florida - Police Issue
Arrest Warrant for Church Pastor
Here we have the power of the state versus
the power of religious gatherings, if people choose to ignore
a state virus warning and meet together, why should the state
get involved until it has been proven that those people who attended
the church meeting infected a person not at the meeting, to a
large extent this is almost a very dangerous pre-crime.
Germany - Snitch on Your Neighbors
A return to the Stasi Era.
Singapore - Locked in Cages
Social Distancing Shaming and Beaten with
List will be updated shortly. |