May 7th, 2019 - There has been much hype and speculation around Sealed Indictments which are supposedly to arrest Deep State Agents, Child Pedophiles, and MS13 Gang Members. Certainly Q-Anon has been instrumental in promoting this view.

But what if the indictments are actually targeting "fake news" which is code for any patriot that speaks out against the Deep State and New World Order. What if Q-Anon is actually a methodology to identify true patriots.

Could it be that the real plan, was to round up Patriots under the Hillary Clinton administration to place in FEMA camps; but with Trump elected the final roundup has been delayed, while patriots continue to be identified so the sealed indictment balance continues to grow, currently at over 96,000 sealed indictments across the USA (normal balance for most administrations is under 3,000).

We have seen this roundup in China, with backing from the Trilateral Commission and Multi-National corporations, China is firmly under US control and is often referred to as a testing ground for Tyranny; notice how Google, Facebook, and others are building more social media surveillance tools for testing in China.

We have to consider if these sealed indictments were actually for Bush, Clinton, Comey, and Brenner for example, they would have leaked out. The longer we go with these sealed indictments not revealed, the more it appears the indictments are for patriots; and the Trump Administration is really the Trump Card for the Deep State.



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